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    Why to choose the Clean EcoWorld?



    All our products are ecological, they preserve nature and environment, health of people and air inside rooms. We will stick heels in cleanliness! Our products have the ECO LABEL environmental certificate, which is one of the most recognized international certificates in the world.


    Clean well

    All our products do excellent job, cleaning different surfaces – from glass to ceramics – effectively, they dry out well and give no dust.


    No flavourings or colouring agents

    None of our products has any flavouring or colouring agents. There are simply no chemical ingredients that should be hidden with additional scents or colourants!

    PAKRI_green energy

    Responsible production

    Our products are manufactured in a Pakri industrial park with a responsible quality label, where we use renewable energy for production.

    raha tagasi garantii_puhastav toime

    Money back guarantee

    We guarantee that Clean EcoWorld products have a cleansing effect. Otherwise, we will pay the money back for the purchased products.


    100% Estonian

    All our cleaning products are manufactured in Estonia, because we appreciate the quality of our home country. Thanks to that, we are also open for special requests.

    6 reasons to discover the clean ecological world
    1. Eco products are free of colouring agents
    2. Eco products are free of flavouring agents
    3. Our Eco products are in the same price range with conventional cleaning stuff!
    4. Eco products contain no chemicals harmful for central nervous system
    5. Eco products are perfectly suitable for rooms where babies and elderly stay
    6. Compared to ordinary products, eco products are significantly safer for human and environment

    Eco products are not necessarily more expensive than conventional chemical products! The Clean EcoWorld stands for the supply of clean and ecological cleaning products at the price of standard products!

    Order a test kit –  info@cleanecoworld.ee

    The Clean EcoWorld brings the eco-friendly cleaning stuff for the benefit of Clean World!
    Visit e-shop